Testimonial – Kristen Wallin – Arroyo Grande, CA
September 11,2009 To Whom It May Concern: Although I may have waited until the last day to write this...
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Testimonial – Lori & Stephen Hall – Arroyo Grande, CA
9/16/2010 Hi Eric, Steve and I are moved back into our newly remodeled home and couldn’t be happier. Right...
Testimonial – Mike and Jeanie McCombs – Arroyo Grande, CA
June 27,2011 This letter is sent as an expression of thanks for your help in providing us with improved...
Testimonial Nicole Evenson Los Alamos, CA
June 25, 2010 Hague Quality Water 2125 Buckskin Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 Dear Hague, Since the installation...
Testimonial Jeff and Suzy Wright Paso Robles CA
Dear Eric: We would like to thank you and Hague Quality Water for outstanding service and products. The Hague...
Testimonial John and Sharon Young Paso Robles CA
Dear Bruce, Thank you for introducing us to the Hague water system. We have been using the water conditioning...