Dear Richard,
At last we are settled into our new home! We are so glad that we made the decision
to invest in the Hague WaterMAX water system and the Hague Reverse Osmosis
Appliance. Having all new household appliances, new shower tile, sinks & bath fixtures is a
dream come true. We feel that the WaterMAX system will keep all of the new appliances
running more smoothly, for a longer period of time.
When we first began our search for “soft” water we were a bit confused by all the
different systems on the market. We had always had the exchange type water softener
but decided we wanted our own system so that our water would not go from soft to hard in
a cyclic fashion …. get the exchange tank … soft water. About 2 1/2 weeks into that tank the
water started to feel “tacky” during showering. By the time the tank was to be exchanged
we were really noticing the “hardness” of the water when soap & shampoo did not lather.
Living in our temporary mobile home during construction of the house allowed us to
try a water softener by Culligan. We “leased to buy” the unit and we are sure glad we did!!
Our experience was that we now had our “own” system (not the exchange tank) but we
were disappointed that the water still did not have the consistency of softness that we had
hoped for. We had the service people out numerous times but still the water was not
consistent. Not wanting to spend that much money on “so-so” water we began to look at
other options.
Because we were building a home we went to the Home & Garden Shows at the
Paso Robles fair grounds many times. We saw the Hague system there first. We were
able to do a “side by side” comparison of the Culligan system we were leasing & the
WaterMAX system. Seeing all the different filters & materials that the Hague system had
got us thinking about our water in a different way. Perhaps we did not just want soft water,
but rather a system that truly FILTERS the water coming into our home.
Our cabinet contractor came out to the construction site a few days later and we got
to talking. He was so excited as he was having the Hague Water system installed in his
home that day. He could not say enough good things about it. I checked with him each
time I saw him to see if his satisfaction continued. Always the answer was yes, and his
water was so much more than he had expected.
We put a call in to you and arranged for an analysis of our water. What we did not
tell you at the beginning was that we did have “soft” water with the Culligan system. When
you tested our water it confirmed what we thought. .. the water was not really very “soft” at all.
More importantly, we got to see all the impurities that were in the water! That really sold us
on the Hague system!’
We did not intend to get the Reverse Osmosis Appliance at first as we did not want
to lose the space under the kitchen cabinet. And I (Cindy) was not totally convinced that the
water would be something I could drink. For years I had been drinking purified bottled
water as MY system is very particular that way. The design of our home allowed the
Reverse Osmosis to be installed under the house. That was a plus and after seeing all the
information we decided to go ahead with the Reverse Osmosis as well. The other plus
was that now I could even have ice cubes!!! With the system hooked up to the refrigerator I
could finally enjoy cold drinks. I am truly amazed that I can drink “city” water after is goes
through the Hague system & Reverse Osmosis!! NO MORE BOTTLES of water!!! No
more trips “around the corner” to my bottled water, I can get my water right at the sink!
Pretty exciting for someone who has not been able to do that for YEARS!!
Getting the Hague system into our new home was so easy!! Paul, whom we have
known for years, did the installation. He is very conscientious, polite and does whatever it
takes to get the job done correctly. I know our installation was a bit more time consuming
than first thought, but Paul just spent the time it took to do the job to perfection. We could
not recommend him more highly.
We are enjoying the soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent, and dishwasher detergent
that came with our Hague system! We do not anticipate having to buy any of those items
for quite some time! With our filtered soft water a tiny bit goes a LONG way! Oh, almost
forgot… no more pink mold growing on all of the faucets, in the tub or in the shower!!
We have been pleased with the quick response to any questions or concerns that
came up as we began using the system. Our calls were returned promptly and a few minor
adjustments made on the same day. That is customer service!!
All in all we are so happy that we chose the Hague WaterMAX system AND the
Hague Reverse Osmosis Appliance for ourselves and for our new home. We have soft
water all day, everyday. Plus, we know it is purified as well. Richard you have been so
helpful, professional and pleasant to do business with. We really do appreciate those
qualities, it certainly does make a difference!
Best Regards
Richard Tarver D.D.S.
Cindy Tarver R.D.H.