Testimonial Jeff & Linda Fredericks Templeton, CA

Testimonial Jeff & Linda Fredericks Templeton, CA

Dear Bruce,

On February 7, 2001, we had the Hague Water and Reverse Osmosis. System
installed in our home. It has been a pleasure doing business with a company that
produces a quality product and men who represent that company with honesty and

In the little over a month since we had the Hague Water System installed, we
have been impressed by the way we were treated in the sales process and the
consideration exhibited in the professionalism of the installation of the system. The
customer service had been impeccable, with every care taken to insure that we are
satisfied with the Hague Water System. It is nice to know that we are not forgotten
customers, once the Hague System was installed.

Equally as important is the system itself. It is very quiet and unlike the rented!
system we had, we have not noticed when the system is on and conditioning the
water. The quality of the water has been excellent. We especially love the reverse
osmosis system. It has saved us time, as we no longer need to go out and fill jugs of
water from a commercial reverse osmosis system and haul it home. We no lonqer
worry about whether we have enough drinking water, as the convenience of having an
endless supply of drinking water at our fingertips is great. Linda drinks at least two
(2) liters of water per day and liked the taste of bottled sparkling water better than the
water that we used to purchase to drink. Since installing the Hague Reverse

Osmosis System, she no longer buys sparkling water each day from the grocery
store, but now drinks the water from the Hague system and loves the taste, even
better than sparkling water! This has become an added benefit, as we estimate that
we save an additional thirty (30) dollars per month because of the Hague System.

In addition to the quality water, the soap products we received by purchasing
the Hague Water System are excellent and will save us hundreds of dollars off our
grocery budget.

Overall, we are very happy that we purchased the Hague Water and Reverse
Osmosis System. We highly recommend Hague Water System to anyone who wants
the assurance of the purest quality water for their family from a company that not only
believes in their product, but stands 100% behind it as well.


Jeff and Linda Fredericks