To Whom It May Concern:
When we purchased our new home in Atascadero, we fully expected to be installing a
Culligan water softener as soon as finances allowed. The mineral content of the city’s
water supply is horrendous, and we had no intention of drinking it. We had always had
Culligan in our old home, and Brita pitchers, and AquaFina and Crystal Geyser for the
flavor; we were used to it, and we didn’t anticipate changing.
Your representative, Dan, faced an uphill battle selling anything to us. While we are
certainly not tightfisted, we aren’t impressed by slick presentations, and we understand a
little of the chemistry of our drinking water; so we weren’t likely to be swayed by
promises when we were already happy with our existing product ‘choices. Frankly, we
were only sitting through the 20- to 30-minute pitch because of the free water testing he
But Dan didn’t do a slick presentation. He was well-informed, well-equipped and
personable. He answered our questions about his product line, the companies and people
that back it, the economics of better water, and much more. We kept him here for four
hours, and we were in no hurry for him to leave. The Hague Water System sold itself.
It has been three months, and we have yet to regret the purchase for a moment. My
showers feel better, our dishes and clothes are cleaner, and my bride has given up her
beloved AquaFina without looking back. I am floored.
There is a sign outside our fence which lets the neighbors and passers-by know that “We
went beyond softening” with a Hague Water System. That sign will be there for a l-o-n-g
time. We couldn’t be happier. Thank you.
Michael Rosen