Testimonial – Melanie Watson – Atascadero, CA

Testimonial – Melanie Watson – Atascadero, CA

March 31, 2012

To Whom It May Concern:

When my husband and I moved to Atascadero after living it the Bay area, we were
immediately horrified by the poor quality of the water. Several of our neighbors felt the
same way and were quick to install water softeners in their homes. Unfortunately, we did
not feel we were in a financial position until just recently to be able to consider the
options available to us.

After having seen many signs in neighbors’ yards declaring their love for their Hague
Quality Water systems as well as coming across the Hague booth at the Strawberry
Festival, I made the decision to set up an appointment to have our water quality tested.
We were truly shocked to discover just how atrocious the water was that we had been
using all this time. My husband, however, remained somewhat skeptical about just how
much of a difference a water softening system could really make. In spite of his
reluctance, and in light of just how amazing the product seemed, we went ahead and
purchased our Hague Quality Water system.

It took less than a week for my husband to concede that we had definitely made the right
decision! We could both feel the difference in our skin and hair and, most importantly, in
that of our IO-month-old daughter. Not too mention the difference in our dishes and
laundry, which continues to make me smile! My only regret is that we weren’t able to
purchase our system sooner, as the Atascadero water really damaged the dark granite we
have around our kitchen sink.

I am happy to report that we are now one of those neighbors who proudly display our
sign letting everyone know just how thrilled we are with our decision to purchase our
Hague Quality Water System! Water is such an essential part of our every day lives that
I would highly recommend Hague to anyone currently living with anything less than
clean, soft, high-quality water.


Melanie Watson