Testimonial JoanMarie Asher San Luis Obispo, CA

Testimonial JoanMarie Asher San Luis Obispo, CA

Dear Hague Quality Water,

My husband and I would like to thank you for selling us such a great product. Our new
Hague water purification system has really made a difference in our home. In fact, it is
difficult to remember what it was like without it.

I signed up for a free water consultation at the Mid-State Fair because we were a little
curious about installing a water filtration system and the free $10 Trader Joe’s gift card
was appealing. We made an appointment with Eric Foronjy instantly.

When Eric arrived, he was very professional, yet relaxed and easy to be around. he made
us feel comfortable, not pressured, and his presentation and testing of our current water
astounded us. Expecting our first baby in two months, we felt extra motivated to remove
the countless chemicals from our drinking water and chlorine from our bathing water.

Installation of the filtration systems was done in an efficient, aesthetically pleasing way
and we could feel the difference in our water immediately. Our dishes look cleaner (no
mineral deposits), our skin looks and feels smoother, and we use only a small portion of
the detergent and dishwashing soap that we used to. As well, our drinking water is

Also, Eric came by for a follow-up to test our water and answer any questions we might
have. It was nice not to buy a product and be immediately forgotten, as is true with some

In summary, Hague created an amazing product, well worth the financial investment, and
we are pleased to have purchased it. It feels wonderful to know how many chemicals we
are no longer ingesting and that our son will not be ingesting them. And it feels good to
support such a well-run company.

JoanMarie Asher