Testimonial Don & Elizabeth Van Steenwyk Paso Robles, CA

Testimonial Don & Elizabeth Van Steenwyk Paso Robles, CA

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for furnishing us with a whole house water treatment and RO unit. Although
the serviceman had personal issues, we all overcame the situation and installation was
technically perfect. Your salesperson/representative was more than helpful and highly

The water system works in a highly proficient manner. Other systems had been installed
in our home previously, but none worked as well as Hague. The quality of life has vastly
improved through the healthier way our food is cooked, the better our skin feels, the more
water we drink because it tastes great, and even the plants are thriving! Could it be that
we’re sleeping better because we feel healthier?

Although we paid for the entire system in one complete payment, we feel that we are
actually saving money because we buy fewer “feel good” products; lotions and soaps and
conditioners are no longer needed because of the water’s new softness. We enthusiastically
recommend the Hague Water treatment to those seeking soft water that is alsogreat tasting
and good for you. What m ore do you need?


Don and Elizabeth Van Steenwyk