Testimonial Cheryl Fairfield Paso Robles, CA

Testimonial Cheryl Fairfield Paso Robles, CA

Hey all, or anyone who’s listening or reading.

We’ve had our Hague WaterMax system for a month now, I’ve got to say we really like

The RO water taste great and we use it in all the things we were using distilled water in,
(fountain, coffee maker, Iron).

The soft water just feels awesome. No more hard water build up or stains on faucets,
dishes, shower tiles or us.

The Hague guys did a great job installing everything and their advise and suggestions
were very helpful. We now have RO water in my wife’s master bath sink, she loves it.

It’s a lot of money but we feel it’s equipment that will last us 20 + years. With all the
bottled water we were buying and other savings it will have paid for itself many times
over in that amount of time. It’s like buying any major appliance for your home, it makes
life a little better, a little easier. To me, it’s just a good investment.


Cheryl Fairfield