Testimonial Bernice Bernhardt Los Osos, CA

Testimonial Bernice Bernhardt Los Osos, CA

Dear Mr. Foronjy:

In October of last year I began my search for information on drinking water systems for my home.
My tap water is undrinkable and leaves a disgusting, scummy film in my tea and coffee, as well as
residue in my cup. It was scary to think what might be in that water. In the past, I had purchased
bottled water, but the cost was prohibitive. Then, I used the Brita system which was less costly but
fell short of filtering all the impurities out of the water. After your presentation of the Reverse
Osmosis system, I knew that was the answer to my drinking water dilemma. However, when you
presented the WaterMAX system I was impressed with how the soft water would help to preserve
the new pipes installed in my old house, after having it re-plumbed last Spring. I decided that these
were indeed good investments for my health and my home. I am ever so thankful I made that
choice. It’s wonderful!

The RO system makes the water so delicious, and my coffee and tea are wonderful. The taste of the
water is reminiscent of a natural sweet water spring we had on our ranch in Montana. I never
thought I would be able to ‘enjoy that taste in the city. As a result, I drink a whole lot more water
than I ever did before and I feel better. I do all my cooking with the RO water and feel confident
I am not adding any harmful chemicals, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, etc., to my food. I love it!

I am so glad I called you that day. All I thought I wanted was a drinking water system-what I got
was the most wonderful water system ever. Of all the things to be concerned about in our modem
world today, I like not having to be concerned or even think about my water. Additionally, I
appreciate the fact that you and your people are available for questions and service. All of you have
been very courteous and helpful. When Paul installed the system, he was very patient with my
questions and “looking over his shoulder”. It was done efficiently and professionally. He worked
as if he were working on his own home. Thank you so much for everything. I look forward to a
great working relationship with all of you and years of quality water.

The WaterMAX system has not only given me peace of mind regarding my plumbing, but I am
enjoying the wonderful effects on my skin and hair. As you had told me, it did take awhile for my
skin and hair to be completely cleansed of the accumulated effects of the tap water. In fact, my hair
dresser told me to expect at least two months before my hair would show the wonderful benefits of
soft water. Now, my hair has more body and life to it, and my skin is soft and requires very little
lotion. It’s amazing! Of course, I enjoy the benefit of having to use very little soap products now
and find I do not have to add fabric softeners to get light, fluffy towels out of my dryer.


Bernice Bernhardt