Testimonial Steven & Lyndsey Smith Paso Robles, CA

Testimonial Steven & Lyndsey Smith Paso Robles, CA

To Whom It May Concern:

We’ve been looking to fix our current water situation for a while now. We went
to a Home & Garden Show at the fairgrounds in Paso Robles. We came across the
Hague booth and were interested in what you had to offer. We really liked the
fact that you do home treatments for free. I got a call from your office to set up
an appointment and you were very patient in working around our very hectic
work and personal schedule.

You gave us the space and time we needed to set up an appointment, it was very
much appreciated. Your representative, Dan was very understanding and patient
giving our current living and financial situation. He was very personable he stayed
with us to explain everything in great detail for well over three hours. He
wouldn’t leave until we were completely satisfied.

We wanted more than just soft water we wanted something that truly filtered the
whole house. Especially something that got rid of our hard water, we were very
surprised to find out that your water system not only soften the water but got rid
of the chlorine. Which is a big concern with my asthma, I would take a shower to
help me feel better it wouldn’t. My skin was always so dry I was always trying
different lotions to moisten better, my husband also wanted to not have to buy
bottled of water to drink and cook with.

We are very pleased with our Hague water system and our Reverse Osmosis. We
don’t have the soap scum we used to have and don’t have to clean our shower
every day. With my asthma it’s nice to take a shower and not feel worse, and my
skin is so much softer not so dried out. We hooked up a filter to our refrigerator
and my husband loves how much nicer the ice cubes taste. Before we would have
to give our dog the same bottle water we drink. Now she only drinks the filter
water. Thank you so much for introducing your water system to us. I highly
recommend this system to anyone who cares about their health.

Steven Smith & Lyndsey Smith