Testimonial – John & Carrie Foldberg – Atascadero, CA

Testimonial – John & Carrie Foldberg – Atascadero, CA

Dear Eric,

John and I wanted to express how happy we are with our new whole-house
water filtration system. We knew we needed to do something about the hard
water here in Atascadero, and having it tested by Hague and realizing it was a lot
worse than even we had thought was disconcerting.

We are so thankful that we have had the Hague system installed. I’ve noticed a
huge improvement in the quality of water in our home, and it has affected many
aspects of our life. My favorite change has been the RO system. We love to
drink our water now! It is so good, and spoils us to where we don’t like drinking
other water (even bottled doesn’t taste as good to me.)

The other areas relate to homemaking tasks. I do all the household laundry in
one (long!) day-usually 14 loads a week. I cannot believe how little soap I need
to use now. Also, as the hard water has worked through the clothes, they’ve
become so soft out of the dryer. I notice there’s not nearly as much lint, either,
which means less wear-and-tear on the clothes.

Our dishes also look so much better. It had been downright embarrassing to
serve drinks in our glasses because they were so pitted and spotted. I had really
tried everything out there to keep them from getting that way, but no rinse

agents, no different dishwasher detergents-nothing-had prevented the glasses
from getting spots. Before entertaining I would hand-wipe each glass to make it
presentable. But not anymore! The glasses and all the dishes look great AND I
use a lot less soap.

I’ve noticed in the sinks, bathtub and toilets and their fixtures that the hard water
deposits are much less. The tub stays cleaner longer. I also feel more confident
that what’s going on INSIDE the fixtures is better as well. Though we’ve only
lived in our new home for 2 years, we’ve already had to replace the bathtub
faucet in the master bath because of calcified buildup. We can rest assured that
our pipes will remain open and free from hard water buildup.

Finally, we wanted to express that we enjoyed working with everyone from the
Hague company. Our sales rep was informative but not pushy, and our
installation went smoothly and efficiently. Working with Hague has been a
pleasant experience from start to finish.

The Hague water system was a big investment for us. It can be hard to spend
thousands ,of dollars on such a filtration system when there are many other ways
we can invest our money. But we do look at it as an investment: an investment
in our home and our health.


Thank you so much.

John and Carrie Foldberg