Testimonial Anneline Van Dyke Lompoc, CA

Testimonial Anneline Van Dyke Lompoc, CA

Dear Hague Water Comyany,

I am writing this letter to let you know how impressed we are with your water
filtration system! It has now been about a month since we purchased your system,
and already we can see a difference!

Most noticeable, is the money we are saving. With a Family, every dollar
counts. I do at least a load of laundry every day, sometimes two. Your laundry soap
has helped us save quite a bit of money just in the fast month. I also don ‘t go through
nearly as much dish soap now that we have started using your soap, Not to mention,
that our dishes don’t have the streaks and etching that were always so hard to get out
no matter what brand if dish soap or tabs that I tried before.

Your products don’t just clean well, they also condition …. Your shampoo works
great! My husband has fallen in love with it! And it smells great! We had our own water softener system before we purchased your system, and although our clothes were clean, it would take forever for me to rinse my hair in the shower. It felt like my hair was just slippery with
conditioner. It took me an extra couple minutes just to rinse my hair out. Before I had
to use so much conditioner in my hair so it wouldn’t be frizzy and help detangle it. I
didnt realize the chlorine in the water was damaging my hair. Now that the chlorine
has been taken out the condition if my life has greatly improved and I don’t get
dizzy in the shower anymore. I had no idea just how much chlorine is absorbed in
your skin while you shower! Also, my husband used to get dry, red patches on his
skin, epecially in the winter. We couldn’t figure out why or where they were coming from. I thought it was an allergic reaction to something he was using, such as soap.

Well it was an allergic reaction to the chlorine in the water. The red patches
immediately disappeared as soon as we started using your system.

I just can’t say enough about how y(eased we are with your system. It is worth
every dollar, and when we move on to another house it will move with us! Our only
regret is that we didn’t know about it sooner.

Best Regards,
Anneline Van Dyke